9 research outputs found

    Hidrogeles de alginato-g-ácido poliacrílico para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    La realització d'aquest projecte es basa en l'estudi i caracterització de l'hidrogel d'alginat de sodi empeltat en àcid polí acrílic. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta investigació és comprendre les propietats i el comportament d'aquest material. En primer lloc, s'ha investigat la grandària del porus de l'hidrogel; això és essencial per determinar la seva capacitat d'absorció i retenció d'aigua, així com el seu potencial per a ser utilitzat com a apòsit o matriu d’alliberació de fàrmacs. A més, s'ha elaborat una anàlisi calorimètric per investigar les propietats tèrmiques del material i comprendre la seva estabilitat en diferents condicions. L'increment de volum de l'hidrogel, o la seva capacitat d'absorció d'aigua i expansió, és un altre tema important abordat en aquest estudi. Això és essencial per avaluar el seu comportament en entorns fisiològics i determinar la seva viabilitat per a aplicacions de regeneració de teixits. També s'ha estudiat la capacitat de l'hidrogel per descompondre's en presència d'aigua o altres condicions fisiològiques. Això és necessari per avaluar la seva biocompatibilitat i idoneïtat per a ús biomèdic. La capacitat d'auto curació de l'hidrogel, és a dir, la seva capacitat per reparar escletxes o danys interns, és un altre aspecte examinat en aquest estudi. Això pot ser crucial per a aplicacions que requereixen materials duradors. Finalment, s'han realitzat proves de resistència per avaluar la capacitat d’unió de l'hidrogel. Això és rellevant per a aplicacions on l'hidrogel i altres materials requereixen una unió sòlida i duradora.La realización de este proyecto se basa en el estudio y caracterización del hidrogel de alginato de sodio injertado con ácido poliacrílico. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es comprender las propiedades y comportamiento de este material. En primer lugar, se ha investigado el tamaño del poro del hidrogel; esto es esencial para determinar su capacidad para absorber y retener agua, así como su potencial para ser utilizado como apósitos o matrices de liberación de fármacos. Además, se realizó un análisis calorimétrico para investigar las propiedades térmicas del material y comprender su estabilidad en diferentes condiciones. El hinchamiento del hidrogel, o su capacidad de absorber agua y expandirse, es otro tema importante abordado en este estudio. Esto es esencial para evaluar su comportamiento en entornos fisiológicos y determinar su viabilidad para aplicaciones de regeneración de tejidos. También se ha estudiado la capacidad del hidrogel para descomponerse en presencia de agua u otras condiciones fisiológicas. Esto es necesario para evaluar su biocompatibilidad e idoneidad para usos biomédicos. La capacidad de autocuración del hidrogel, es decir, su capacidad para reparar grietas o daños internos es otro elemento examinado en este estudio. Esto puede ser crucial para aplicaciones que requieren materiales duraderos. Finalmente, se han realizado pruebas de resistencia para evaluar la capacidad de adhesión del hidrogel. Esto es relevante para aplicaciones donde el hidrogel y otros materiales requieren una unión sólida y duradera.The realization of this project is based on the study and characterization of sodium alginate hydrogel grafted with polyacrylic acid. The main objective of this research is to understand the properties and behaviour of this material. Firstly, the pore size of the hydrogel has been investigated, which is essential to determine its capacity for water absorption and retention, as well as its potential for use as dressings or drug release matrices. Additionally, a calorimetric analysis was conducted to investigate the thermal properties of the material and understand its stability under different conditions. The swelling of the hydrogel, or its ability to absorb water and expand, is another important aspect addressed in this study. This is essential to evaluate its behaviour in physiological environments and determine its viability for tissue regeneration applications. The degradation capacity of the hydrogel in the presence of water or other physiological conditions has also been studied. This is necessary to evaluate its biocompatibility and suitability for biomedical uses. The self-healing capacity of the hydrogel, i.e., its ability to repair cracks or internal damages, is another element examined in this study. This can be crucial for applications that require durable materials. Finally, resistance tests have been performed to evaluate the bonding capability of the hydrogel. This is relevant for applications where the hydrogel and other materials require a strong and long-lasting union

    IMPACT-Global Hip Fracture Audit: Nosocomial infection, risk prediction and prognostication, minimum reporting standards and global collaborative audit. Lessons from an international multicentre study of 7,090 patients conducted in 14 nations during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Catalunya i Espanya (III)

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    Pròleg de Maite VilaltaPodeu consultar el volum (I) a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/145138 i el volum (II) a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/171999Des de fa un temps, la societat catalana viu immersa en el debat sobre quin ha de ser l’encaix de Catalunya a l’Estat espanyol, i les diferents posicions s’han polaritzat per la complexitat d’un moment polític marcat pels esdeveniments dels darrers anys. En aquest context, la col·lecció Debats UB aporta una visió acadèmica a les qüestions que més preocupen la ciutadania, així com elements d’anàlisi que fomentin la reflexió col·lectiva. Aquest tercer volum recull les aportacions de deu autors de diverses universitats i institucions que, des del seu compromís amb la llibertat i l’honestedat intel·lectual, analitzen alguns aspectes cabdals de la relació entre Catalunya i Espanya: la sentència dictada pel Tribunal Suprem en el judici als líders independentistes, el paper dels mitjans de comunicació en les democràcies actuals, i les fórmules per evitar la fractura de la societat catalana i reforçar el caràcter plural que la caracteritza

    Priority and emerging organic microcontaminants in three Mediterranean river basins: Occurrence, spatial distribution, and identification of river basin specific pollutants

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    There is a worldwide growing use of chemicals by our developed, industrialized, and technological society. More than 100,000 chemical substances are thus commonly used both by industry and households. Depending on the amount produced, physical-chemical properties, and mode of use, many of them may reach the environment and, notably, the aquatic receiving systems. This may result in undesirable and harmful side-effects on both the human and the ecosystem's health. Mediterranean rivers are largely different from Northern and Central European rivers in terms of hydrological regime, climate conditions (e.g. air temperature, solar irradiation, precipitation), and socio-economics (e.g. land use, tourism, crop types, etc.), with all these factors leading to differences in the relative importance of the environmental stressors, in the classes and levels of the pollutants found and their environmental fate. Furthermore, water scarcity might be critical in affecting water pollution because of the lowered dilution capacity of chemicals. This work provides raw chemical data from different families of microcontaminants identified in three selected Mediterranean rivers (the Sava, Evrotas, and Adige) collected during two sampling campaigns conducted in 2014 and 2015 in three different matrices, namely, water, sediments, and biota (fish). More than 200 organic micropollutants were analyzed, including relevant groups like pharmaceuticals, personal care products, perfluorinated compounds, pesticides, pyrethroid insecticides, flame retardants, and persistent organic pollutants. Data obtained were summarized with some basic statistics for all compound families and matrices analyzed. Observed occurrence and spatial patterns were interpreted both in terms of compound physical-chemical properties and local environmental pressures. Finally, their spatial distribution was examined and their ecotoxicological risk in the water phase was assessed. This allowed locating, at each basin, the most polluted sites (“hot spots”) and identifying the respective river basin specific pollutants (RBSPs), prioritizing them in terms of the potential ecotoxicological risk posed to the aquatic ecosystems.This work has been supported by the European Communities EU 7th Framework Programme Funding under Grant agreement no. 603629-ENV-2013-6.2.1-Globaqua and partly by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Consolidate Research Group 2017-SGR-01404) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Projects CEX2018-000794-S and IBERAQUA-NET RED2018-102737-T). Special thanks are due to all partners of the GLOBAQUA consortium and the peer review panel for ensuring quality results and a fruitful collaboration within the frame of the project.Peer reviewe

    Impact on clinical practice of the implementation of guidelines for the toxicity management of targeted therapies in kidney cancer. The protect-2 study.

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    Journal Article;BACKGROUND The impact of such recommendations after their implementation of guidelines has not usually been evaluated. Herein, we assessed the impact and compliance with the Spanish Oncology Genitourinary Group (SOGUG) Guidelines for toxicity management of targeted therapies in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) in daily clinical practice. METHODS Data on 407 mRCC patients who initiated first-line targeted therapy during the year before and the year after publication and implementation of the SOGUG guideline program were available from 34 Spanish Hospitals. Adherence to SOGUG Guidelines was assessed in every cycle. RESULTS Adverse event (AE) management was consistent with the Guidelines as a whole for 28.7 % out of 966 post-implementation cycles compared with 23.1 % out of 892 pre-implementation cycles (p = 0.006). Analysis of adherence by AE in non-compliant cycles showed significant changes in appropriate management of hypertension (33 % pre-implementation vs. 44.5 % post-implementation cycles; p < 0.0001), diarrhea (74.0 % vs. 80.5 %; p = 0.011) and dyslipemia (25.0 % vs. 44.6 %; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS Slight but significant improvements in AE management were detected following the implementation of SOGUG recommendations. However, room for improvement in the management of AEs due to targeted agents still remains and could be the focus for further programs in this direction.This study was funded by Pfizer, S.L.U. Medical writing assistance was provided by Esther Tapia, PhD and was founded by Pfizer.Ye

    Overall survival in the OlympiA phase III trial of adjuvant olaparib in patients with germline pathogenic variants in BRCA1/2 and high-risk, early breast cancer

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    International audienc